inertia creeps

it is always in the midst of grey, incessant snow that the nostalgia comes creeping
(things that creep: nostalgia & inertia)
I am confident that if we could find the andidote to the specific chemical
that illuminates the past and puts it on a pidestal,
there would be a great increase of success, happiness and self-realization in the world.

Just now, while doing laundry, of got to thinking of Vienna.
How I did my laundry in the bath tub for 2 months.
And horrified I found myself thinking fondly back and this primitive procedure.
Let me tell you, there's nothing romantic about zealously washing your underwear in the tub.
Nothing glorified about your room constantly filling up with wet clothes to dry,
with the constant smell of washing detergent.

But even so, I smile when I think about it.
like someone might when thinking about an old joke, a familiar face, a close friend
My memory is clearly distorted.
I am not surprised, but I am alarmed.


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