
The only alternative to coexistence is codestruction
-Jawaharlal Nehru

Obama argues that the construction of a Mosque only blocks away from Ground Zero does not breach the US constitutional freedom of religion and what happens? High profile politicians compare it to putting up a memorial mark of the Nazis next to the museum of the Holocaust. Perspectives?
Appearently, all muslims bear the blame of 9/11. And they will bear it til the end of time.

At the same time, Sverigedemokraterna are gaining ground as we approach the Swedish elections.
People shamelessly let themselves be interviewed on national television, throwing statements around on how immigants are rapists and murderers and how Sweden must strive to a 5% rate of immigrant population.

Globalization and internationalism, in all their glory, have not yet succeeded in bringing people together. Au contraire. We guard our own, we look suspisciously at each other and we are afraid.
When I say I love the melting pot of cultures, I am mocked or looked at in disbelief.

The President of the US National Center on Education and the Economy is quoted as saying:
"One thing we know about creativity is that it typically occurs when people who have mastered two or more quite different fields use the framework in one to think afresh about the other".
And, again, the brain expands when confused.. and what more- then- expands the brain than the meeting of cultures?

And as always, Thomas L Friedman is insightful.


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