babbling about subjectivity
I think I was raised without ever realizing this, but now it is becoming increasingly clear to me. If you want something, you ask for it. If you are disappointed, let them hear it. If you don't know- find out!
Well, communication is also a powerful manipulative mechanism. I know I can twist words, I can bend phrases and I'm all about the wordplay. But when it comes to speech I am handicapped, mutilated- you might even say undeveloped.
Sometimes I think that if I knew how to take my written wits and whip them into a verbal frenzy... I could actually do things that I would not even consider now. And as you see, I am still just writing about it, so... no need to go get your weapons.
In the end, language is just a system of understanding the world. Yeah, sure, it's well and sophisticatedly developed, but in essence it's comparable to a traffic-light. Green for Go, Red for Stop. Something that stands for something else.
The signifier that gives the signified. L-O-V-E means Love. But Love means nothing. It is merely a shape of lines on a paper or a computer screen. What is the difference between F-R-I-E-N-D and L-O-V-E? - Nothing.
And, of course, everything. Language is biased, constructed, unreliable!
Words mean something to you, but something else to me.
And communication is finding the platform where the siginifer always generates the same signified.
Where your words light a bulb in my mind.
games and rules
And it's a roller-coaster ride you are never ready for, and Oh no, you forgot to put the seat-belt on.
The winner takes it all? - If love is surrender, whose war is it anyway?
Even when there are no players, there is always a game. Since nobody ever knows the rules, we just randomly run around in circles trying out suitable strategies. Or trying to predict the moves of our opponent. Cause even when we are playing to win another person, we are always opponents.
There is always a subordinate, always the strong and the weak.
The balance continously shifts, back and forth...back and forth.
Like the rate of inflation,the balance is determined largely by the prediction of its course. The expectation of a shift in balance might well be the actual cause of it.
games that never amount to
more than they're meant
will play themselves out.
Yes it is true that I complain a lot about things that don't really matter in the end. It is ungrateful and, frankly, a little spoiled. So I think it is important to take a moment and think about all those things- big or small- that makes life beautiful and magical...
I Love;
* Being swept away
* A poem that hits me right in the heart
* Summer rain
* The moment when the walls come down and real feelings are shown
* A real affectionate glance
* The scent of vanilla
* Friendship over all
* Sharing secrets with someone I trust
* Daydreaming
* The excitement of opening a new book
* Thinking in other languages
* Tthe taste of chocolate
* Everyday magic
* The amazing power of a kiss
no association
Forget about Mars or Venus.. it is all about brain capacity and the ability of association.
There is no real need to comment on this.
you'd think the world would have had enough of silly love songs.
It's a crime against the heart you know
To be somewhere in between
Cause lately you make me weaker in the knees
And race through my veins, every time you're close to me
Take me away to places I ain't seen
They say you've got a hold on me....
And I Won't Disagree
Cause I've got the feeling
You'll be needing love
And of all the lonely hearts
You're the one I'm thinking of
(I look around me and I see it isn't so, Oh No)
por lo menos yo no soy el mismo yo interior.
Can't you see your dreams are in the Palm of you Hand?
I know most things would be so much easier if we could only look at them in a different way. If we would let things happen in their own time. No judgement and no expectations.
As I was told today as somebody Read my Palm;
I am a creative thinker with plenty of emotional trauma.
This pretty much sums up who I am I guess. Though it might sound like an attractive combo,
let me tell you that Creative does not alloy well with Thinking.
Put together, these two words can make anyone break their back to keep sane.
The emotional trauma is just icing on the cake... or crumbles on the carpet!
Sophia betyder visdom...
för jag visste att var stund utgjorde
en del av drömmen om att finna någonting. "
artwork/Catalina Estrada/
je veux seulment oublier et puis je fume
je ne suis pas ta chose
la fille sur qui tu poses tes mains
fuego de noche, nieve de día
Past and Present.
Black and White.
Pure and Dirty.
Why is real life not made up of binary opposites?
Noo, instead we are doomed to travel in this world, cluelessly trying to grasp our reality.
Constantly asking ourselves what is right or wrong; what is good or bad without ever finding the answer.
Yes, let's accept that the only thing we know is that we know nothing. Where does that leave us?
If this is what our greatest thinker could come up with; what hope is there for us?!
What can we do, except stop searching for the universal truth and accepting our own Veritas?
More Peace & Love and less scientific experiments.
Why think it when we can feel it? Why explain it when we can live it?
thinking about people, thinking about snow...
Lately I am thinking- again- about people in my life. People I lost, people that got lost on the way. Or did they lose me? Did I slip away..?
"Some people disappear like snow. Suddenly they just whirl off. They melt away and nobody knows why"
Edvard Munch; "Snevaer i alleén".
I often find myself surprised to find out that people remember me several years after meeting me. It's interesting to think that I can never really know anything about the space I occupy in the mind of others, in the life of others.
When thinking about the past couple of years, so full of changes that I can barely keep track....what determined the experiences was the relation to the people in all those different places.
Somehow I feel like I have been a different kind of sophia in those various stages of my life, the destinations of my journey. And lately I've been thinking that perhaps there was a reason for all that emptiness, and it somehow pushed me to pursuit my real destiny.
And here I am?
I don't really believe that it's all about the journey and nothing about the destination. Sometimes the path is rocky, full of mud or just generally shitty. I'd rather say that it's not the about the Final Destination, but about creating, inventing a whole bunch of destinations in the course of one's life.
And maybe calculate them, put them into a graph and then use them as examples for others.....
microeconomics has officially destroyed my ability to contemplate and engage in personal philosphy.