Does this make me look fat?

Today's lesson on how appearence affects the perception of you got me thinking.
To achieve the greatest impact, it's vital to appear as genuine as possible, 
meaning the clothing must match the personality. 
Meaning you must have a certain level of self-perception to dress accordingly. 
A dramatic person who tries to dress classic, comes off as false, 
as does a natural person going for the excessively formal or glamorous.
Now, I am thinking that perhaps the same goes for cities; places you call home.
It is of outmost importance to choose a city that matches your personality, 
lest the signals you are sending will simply be fake. 
People will sense you are not genuinely being yourself. 
Maybe this is why I have been going from place to place, 
like someone running without knowing neither their origin nor destination.
Trying places out like others would try a new dress, to see if it fits. 
Sometimes it looks OK, but mostly it just looks better on the hanger.
Rarely, very rarely, can the reality of the dress compare to the image of it.
Normally, I am not one to shop and tell, 
but I think I'm looking pretty damn good in this dress. 


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