Ordo ad chaos

, n.
There are times when I doubt everything.
When I regret everything you've taken from me, everything I've given you,
and the waste of all the time I've spent on us.

, adj. and adv.
Will it ever get better?
it better
Will it ever get better?
it better.
Will it ever get better
it better.

, V.
I spent all this time building a relationship. Then one night I left the window open,and it started to rust.

David Leviathan uses dictionary entries to conjure the trajectory of a full blown love story.
From the stumbling beginning, to the affair that rips them apart and the doubt that follows.
There is no chronology, no storyline, no genders- only carefully chosen words.

With words and sentiments, less is more.
The blatantly mundane is found alongside the otherworldliness that is love.
Each moment has its explanation, its immediate thought and reaction.
And I know it is the only way to create order of my emotional chaos.

The answer to my questions that I keep hidden.
The reason why we keep coming back to this dead end.
We have no guidelines, no lexicon for what we created.
No dictionary to translate between our worlds.


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