Deconstruction of self

'What do you mean?'
'What do you mean 'what do I mean'?
'I don't mean anything, if I did I would have said something else'

I believe in the power of language, not as beautiful decoration,
but in its ability of creation and expansion of meaning.
I say what I mean, even if I use a strange vocabulary and metaphors.
Because they open up new worlds. They create more dimensions to our thoughts.

So instead of saying 'I want you', I say 'there's a copper coil of desire conducting me'
When others would use 'I am scared', I choose 'if he broke her, where would the pieces fly?'

The words I use set me apart from others.
Metaphors and aphorisms tend to create their own world.
Spinning beautiful words into a thick net of imaginary stories.
Turning life into something that it might not be. Better.

The net is hard to break through.
There aren't many who find their way inside.
It is safer that way.


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