we do what we need to be free

Now, I know I'm all about nostalgia and I get attached, and I get obsessed and blablabla.
But I can swear I've seen this before. I've seen the sacrifice, the denounciation,
and the "us against the world". And it usually ends in isolation.

Luckily, I am not talking about myself this time.
in this story I am the externality. The one not taken into consideration
the one left out of the equation. Purposefully. Deliberately. Mercilessly.
And someone else is heading towards isolation.

And now I am contemplating.
Are we all kidding ourselves? celebrating the virtue of friendship when we can't get love?
But choosing love over friendship once we find it?
Is social relations in fact the high point of hypocrisy?

should we all be pairing off as to ensure our non-lonliness?
God forbid independence, empowerment and self-fullfilment?

Tack madde för tipset :))))

Postat av: Madde


2010-05-23 @ 21:21:43

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