fate and future; fearless.

More often than not I realize what vast amount of knowledge that is out there
just waiting to be acquired, waiting for someone to grab it and lift it up to the light
and how little time there is to find it all.

Sometimes I feel torn between two desires:
the first being neglecting all other things and throw myself in life-consuming professional life
on an international level and the second being the desire to just find my place, start something to call my own
- to be in love and to be satisfied.
Sadly, these two tendencies do not mix very well and it never seems to be a good time to make decisions.

The question is, does one look up, above and beyond because it is easier to detach, to replace than to make an effort right here? Or, conversely, does one give up too easily, settle for safety instead of attempting to reach one's real potential?

"Vi få ej välja ramen för vårt öde. Men vi ge den dess innehåll. Den som vill äventyret skall också uppleva det – efter måttet av sitt mod. Den som vill offret skall offras – efter måttet av sin renhet.” Dag Hammarskjöld.


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