ergo (NOT) sum?

I think I am finally running out of thoughts.
If it is true that the brain develops and progresses when faced with problems it must seek to find solutions for, forcing it to create a labyrinth of new synapses; then emotional dilemmas should be like gym for the mind.
But, is it not so, that excessive thinking about anything- an idea, a problem, a person- in the end is bound to stifle the cerebral progress?
Somehow there must be a finite set of possible and potential scenarios (solutions, if you like) that fit each dilemma. And today I think my record started playing on repeat.

So, not only do I have to deal with moral degeneration, now my mind is also slowing down.
That's great, really.

Postat av: Madde

Tu es ullam!

2010-01-11 @ 08:43:15
Postat av: sophia

hmmm ullam, c'est quoi précisement?

2010-01-11 @ 10:15:44
Postat av: Madde

quelqu'un en latin!

2010-01-12 @ 12:46:52

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