rationality is overrated

According to the rational policy model, if there are two opponents and they both know that the damage that the other can do through retaliation is greater than what they themselv can inflict, they will not make the first move.
Following the theory, the likelihood of any particular aggressive action taken is a combination of
a) the objectives of the agent; b) alternative actions; c)estimated consequences of each action; and d) an evaluation of those consequences.

So here we are. This is the cold war.
We are the US and Soviet Union, standing on each side of the line, staring each other down. Stubbornly.
Waiting for someone to take the first step. Scared to ask because the answer may not be what we want to hear.
The answer may lead to war. Raging war.

But who is who?
Who's got the missiles and what is at stake?
And where is Cuba in all this, I need an intermediary.


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