Lately you make me weaker in the knees (como uma forca!)

It's funny to think you never really know what people think of you until they tell you. Most often, your perception of yourself is not in congruence with the one that others have of you.
Recently people have felt the need to tell me who I am, to analyze my personality, for some reason.
I guess I always thought I was difficult to figure out, full of thorns and strange complications.

Someone told me I've built negative and aggressive barriers around myself. That I do not allow new people to enter my life and I don't give people a chance to make a positive impression, because I am expecting the worst.
Another one said I seem to be the kind of person who gets too attached, obsessed and cannot let go of things.
I will leave you these interpretations to think about. I know what I think.

this is me (?)

A wise friend told me something I've been thinking about.
Every man is a new man.
You can never replace someone with another one, because the role that a person plays in your life is unique.
There are no stand-ins or back-up actors.
When I think about the men that have, for various periods of time, played some roles in my life- this becomes increasingly clear. And again, I cannot help wondering about the role I have played in their existence.

people come and go and some disappear like snowflakes, melting away on the ground or on your warm skin.
I know it's how life goes, but it really disturbs me how easy it is for some people.
To walk in and out of somebody's story. Pick it up, put it down.

I want to make everything count.
Every second of my eyes meeting yours.
i want everything to be REAL.

pieces of moi


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