special things for special people?

That thing about good things happening to good people, it is just not true. What is it that gives some people the right to judge others with no proof and no knowledge?!

Ignorance really is the infection of mankind!!!

sometimes I guess you need to be on the edge to feel the reality of things. To really feel something we must sometimes put ourselves in strange, seemingly artificial and crazy situations.
The truth is just under the surface and in everyday life we've learnt to repress it I guess. When we are exessively tired, depressed, drunk or just feeling weird it starts sipping out, drop by drop. This is when the really interesting things see the light. Last night was no exception.

A "wise" man once told me that i shouldn't worry about finding love.
That special people just take longer time because they need to find another special person to fall in love.
He never understood that he was my special someone, but still he made me think about it.
As things just seem to work out so easily for so many...the easiest thing is to just believe that I am Special.


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