I am a mosaïque

Ne me quitte pas, Il faut oublier
Tout peut s'oublier, Qui s'enfuit déjà
Oublier le temps
Des malentendus
Et le temps perdu, a savoir comment
Oublier ces heures, qui tuaient parfois
A coups de pourquoi, le cœur du bonheur
Ne me quitte pas

This is no nostalgic MOPING. It is simply a reflection of the drôle du destin that has led me to this point.
The picture above showing one of these moments so decisive in the path towards my current Life.
All mistakes happen for a reason. All good things end to give way to other good things.
Every failure has given me things that helped me along the journey.

Every single person that crossed my path has left a little piece of themself in me.
I am a mosaïque of former lovers and friends.

ps. Nenze don't worry. This is not about him.ds

Postat av: Anonym

Hahahaha! Thank you. I had my doubts=)

2009-01-05 @ 08:16:01

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