all elusive

I never was one to be certain of anything,
always questioned my convictions, my choices and every whish before making it.

It is easy to question things without having to make the adjustments to actually change.
and now, at the edge of it all..Do I want these changes?
Or are these dreams that make up my inner utopia,
actions that should not be taken because they will rip it apart?

Am I going back to myself or, in fact, leaving me for someone I once thought I was?
Once a dream, always a goal, is that really how things work?
And this unfamiliar feeling in the pit of my stomach..
part fact, part fiction.
part fear, part curiosity.
Add a touch of excitement ignited by naïvité.

I find myself in the middle of an eye
watching myself in its blank stare
The moment scatters, motionless.
I stay and I go; I am a pause.

                               - O. Paz


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