Adieu, dit le renard.

Adieu, dit le renard. Voici mon secret. Il est très simple : on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

Ignorant is bliss
, says Kate Voegele

Verlain replies; C'est bien la pire peine de ne savoir pas pourquoi.

I know I like to make statements that are black or white, and I don't like to meddle on the middle.
I'm a sucker for the big words, the fancy gestures and I like to have my mind made up about things.
But there are, I must admit, things that cannot be put in these neat boxes. Things that, when you think about them, they make your brain turn somersaults and you're looking down one second only to see the sky the next. No time to lose and you cannot really afford to stop for breath.

Maybe I could have been something you would be good at?

Moving on, no need to dwell. No breath to catch, no time to kill.
1, 2, 3....toca la pared!


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